Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration杂志

Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration杂志


Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration杂志简介

《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》(季刊)创刊于2002年,由中国地震局工程力学研究所主办。是反映我国地震工程与工程振动领域最新成果和国外该领域最新进展的学术性期刊,旨在促进国际学术交流,推动地震工程与工程振动学科的发展,减轻地震灾害。本刊由中国地震局工程力学研究所主办、美国多学科地震工程研究所中心(MCEER)协办。

《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》主要刊登以下内容的综合评述、专题研究论文和科研简报:结构和工程体系震害评定,强震观测与分析,土木基础设施的地震危害性与危险性分析,场地对结构的影响和岩土工程,建筑物与生命线系统的抗震性能和设计原理,结构控制,现有基础设施系统的修复策略,结构动力学以及和地震工程相关的阻尼理论的进展,应急传感与监测系统和高性能材料在地震工程中的应用,以及风、波良和其它动荷载下土木工程结构振动问题。




剑桥科学文摘 SA 科学文摘(英) EI 工程索引(美) 万方收录(中) CSCD 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊(含扩展版) SCI 科学引文索引(美) 知网收录(中) 维普收录(中)

Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration杂志投稿要求

A.Format for Accepted Papers

Once the paper has been peer_reviewed,the corresponding autho rwill be notified of recommendations made by there viewers.There are four possible outcomes:

1.Publish the manuscript asis,without revisions

2.Publish the manuscript asis,with minor revisions;no additional review necessary

3.Publish the manuscript after extensive revisions have been made.There vised manuscript should then be reviewed again prior to publication

4.Do not publish

Accepted manuscripts must be submitted according to the guide lines described below,in final format,including all corrections and additions.Manuscripts that do not comply with these guide lines will be returned to the author.

1)Manuscript Preparation

The manuscript should be double-spaced,fo rmatted for A4 size pages,and submitted in single electronic format.It must be writtenin English and should not exceed 10,000 word-equivalents.(A journal page contains approximately 1,300 words.)Technical notes should not exceed 4,000 word-equivalents.If it is necessary to include additional information,such as appendices,these should be submitted electronically for inclusion on the journal'swebsite.



小荷** 的反馈:

等了好几个月,终于收到书了,悬着的心终于放下了,感谢Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration杂志编辑部大大,感谢~~感谢

罗羽明** 的反馈:

急急,Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration杂志 投稿要多长时间才能出结果,投了好久了,没见一点动静,有人告诉我么

baiqian** 的反馈:

Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration杂志编辑的态度非常认真、和蔼,来回修改了好几次,很快就录用了。国内的顶级杂志,影响力很大,看来我的选择还是没有错的。给你们竖个大拇指。

姓名保密** 的反馈:


王德平** 的反馈:


小小小硕** 的反馈:

五天了还是已发回执状态 什么情况?有人知道么

steven0281** 的反馈:


rahimajoke** 的反馈:

你好,请问Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration杂志字数要求最高包括参考文献是多少字呢?是不加参考文献6000字以内呢?还是加上参考文献6000字以内呢?

一江春水** 的反馈:

文章接收速度还可以,我投稿的时间有些尴尬,恰逢是在放假的时候,耽误了一段时间。Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration杂志在学术界还是有一定地位,还是不错的。编辑老师也很不错,比较推荐大家投此杂志。

快点毕业** 的反馈:

各位学友,这个期刊是不是投稿就会通过初审? 看我很多投稿的朋友说,初审后被拒稿的也很多啊……
