Journal of Integrative Plant Biology杂志

Journal of Integrative Plant Biology杂志


Journal of Integrative Plant Biology杂志简介



1992年:Won First Place Prize as an Excellent Academic Journal;

1996年:Awarded First Place Prize as an Elite Journal by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS);

1997年:Won Second Place Prize, National Excellent Science and Technology Journal;

1999年:Won the 1st National Journal Prize of China;

2000年:Awarded the Special Award of “Elite Journal 2000” by the CAS.

2001年:Received the Special Fund for Key Academic Journals from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant received from 2001 to 2012);

2002年:Won the 2nd National Journal Prize of China.Won the One Hundred Outstanding Chinese Academic Periodicals Award (won from 2002 to 2006);

2005年:Won the 3rd National Journal Prize of China.Received the Science Publication Fund, awarded by CAS (grant received in 2005, 2007, and from 2009-2016);

2006年:Named as one of the Top 7 Chinese Science and Technology Journals from 2006-2011 by the China Association for Science and Technology;

2009年:Won the Award of Most Influential Periodical in the Past 60 years in China;

2012年:Won the Project for Enhancing International Impact of China STM Journals.Won the Award of the Highest International Impact Academic Journal of China by CNKI from 2012 to 2016;

2013年:Won Nominated Award of the Third Chinese Government Award for Publishing.Won Top 100 Newspapers and Journals by State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China;

2014年:Won the Beauty of Periodicals in China;

2015年:Won Top 100 Newspapers and Journals by State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China;

2016年:Won the Project for Enhancing International Impact of China STM Journals,Won the Beauty of Periodicals in China。




万方收录(中) 知网收录(中) CSCD 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊(含扩展版) 农业与生物科学研究中心文摘 维普收录(中) CA 化学文摘(美) 上海图书馆馆藏 SCI 科学引文索引(美) 国家图书馆馆藏 JST 日本科学技术振兴机构数据库(日) 剑桥科学文摘 全国优秀科技期刊

Journal of Integrative Plant Biology杂志投稿要求









王德平** 的反馈:


谢飞明** 的反馈:

尊敬的Journal of Integrative Plant Biology杂志编辑大大,请问我的文章初审通过了没有,已经投了快一个月了,好急啊

康新隆** 的反馈:


谢正勇** 的反馈:

请问一下,Journal of Integrative Plant Biology杂志 投稿授权证明要不要盖单位的章,录用了,说要搞个什么授权证明。

春风沉醉de早上** 的反馈:


快点毕业** 的反馈:

各位学友,这个期刊是不是投稿就会通过初审? 看我很多投稿的朋友说,初审后被拒稿的也很多啊……

nblove** 的反馈:

9月中旬在投Journal of Integrative Plant Biology杂志的稿,10月就通知录用啦,速度杠杠的。需要说的是,这本杂志的编辑排版很严格,录用后会有多次排版校对,编排质量很高,编辑工作非常严谨认真,值得赞扬!

flytoyou** 的反馈:


baiqian** 的反馈:

Journal of Integrative Plant Biology杂志编辑的态度非常认真、和蔼,来回修改了好几次,很快就录用了。国内的顶级杂志,影响力很大,看来我的选择还是没有错的。给你们竖个大拇指。

一江春水** 的反馈:

Journal of Integrative Plant Biology杂志 这个刊物免审稿费,版面费正常,效率高
